About Us

This website is written and managed by Oddmund Groette and Hakan Samuelsson. We have been successful traders and investors for two decades. Mr. Groette is a native Norwegian but resides in the former USSR. Mr. Samuelsson lives in Sweden, where he trades, invests, and manages one of Sweden’s most popular financial websites: Samuelssonsrapport. He also founded The Robust Trader.

Our main motivation for this blog is to improve our understanding, knowledge and competence. Writing is a very powerful tool, and we believe an audience makes us put in a little more effort. We both have higher (useless) educations, but we quote Nassim Nicholas Taleb: “What I was given to study in school I have forgotten; what I decided to read on my own, I still remember”.

We’re investment agnostics: We invest in whatever time frame there is: day trading, swing trading or investing for decades. We don’t go into the office in the morning with a rigid framework/mindset for where, when and how to invest. Investing is a continuous learning experience that compounds.

Write to us at “Oddmund at daytrading dot no”.

English is not our mother tongue, so please apologize for any grammatical mistakes.

(We are looking for writers (paid), and would love to hear from interested investors. Please send a mail to “sialofjord at gmail dot com”.)

RationalThinking.net is a trademark of SIA Lofjord Corporation.

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Disclosure: We are not financial advisors. Please do your own due diligence and investment research or consult a financial professional. All articles are our opinions – they are not suggestions to buy or sell any securities.